AJJ's expertise is invaluable in the management services provided to AAACN. Their advice, support, facilitation and direction keeps us focused and effective in leading our association into the future.
Traci Haynes, MSN, RN, BA, CEN
Past-President of AAACN

It has been a wonderful experience to work with such positive people at Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc. The National Office staff who work on our account are top notch. They are reliable and I wonder if they know how much we depend on them. They not only serve the needs of officers, members, and chapters, but they are proactive, always reaching beyond the status quo. We owe our success as an Association to the staff at Anthony J. Jannetti.
Sandra Bodin
Past-President of ANNA

AJJ delivers; as leaders they have always delivered what they said they would deliver. They have not let the Board or the membership down as long as I have been associated with them.
They are experts at directing our organization and one of the things we like best about our Executive Director, Tom, is that he brings in his entire learning base from all the nursing organizations that he has worked with, this has been a tremendous asset to us. Asking Tom what other organization do regarding a subject has led to the Board making quicker and more sound decisions.
Charles Boicey, MS, RN-BC
Past-President of ANIA

The GAPNA National Management Office ‘meets’, and in most instances, ‘exceeds’ the expectations outlined. I would like to provide my heartfelt appreciation not only for GAPNA’s National Office, but for all AJJ employees who have contributed in some way to GAPNA’s growth and success. Mr. Michael Brennan is the ‘glue’ that holds everything together; he consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that GAPNA is operationally and professionally sound.
Past-President of GAPNA

Each president before me has lauded the staff at Jannetti for the direction and assistance they provide. They serve as a continuous presence as the volunteer leadership changes each year, gently and kindly easing new board members into the process of a national leadership position. I am thankful to Tony Jannetti and his AJJ, Inc. "family" for all they do for SUNA.
Amy Driscoll, BSN, CURN
Past-President of SUNA

Thank you to our partners at AJJ for the wonderful job at our 2013 annual conference. From inception to closure, your team was efficient, responsive, competent and best of all - a real joy to work with. This conference was an incredible success and has laid the foundation for a very promising year for ANIA. Looking forward to continued success as we take this journey together!
Patty Sengstack, DNP, RN-BC, CPHIMS
Past-President of ANIA

I am truly thankful to the AJJ Staff during my year as President.
Carolyn S. Harmon, DNP, RN-BC
Past-President of ANIA